Hi guys i want to get my landy done in Corris Grey with a black roof but im a tight B**terd and dont want to pay 600+ to get it done (Cheaply) in a booth etc.

can i roller this on with good outcome? i know roller painting landies has been mentioned before but i need to know where i'd get the colour from in tubs big enough to roller, or is it just a spray tin jobby.

any one have any advice
Hi guys i want to get my landy done in Corris Grey with a black roof but im a tight B**terd and dont want to pay 600+ to get it done (Cheaply) in a booth etc.

can i roller this on with good outcome? i know roller painting landies has been mentioned before but i need to know where i'd get the colour from in tubs big enough to roller, or is it just a spray tin jobby.

any one have any advice

Some get success with roller painting, but it is dependent on good technique, and having the right roller and paint.
Not sure about the black roof, it will be like an oven inside in the summer.
If you mean spraying a whole vehicle with spray cans, I would have thought that would cost a fortune!
yea spray cans will be a fortune, do they do big tins of corris grey? or will i have to get them from a spray/body shop?

i like the look of corris grey with a black roof. it will be a bit like that one that sold at auction for £400k, although i think that was slightly more silver
yea spray cans will be a fortune, do they do big tins of corris grey? or will i have to get them from a spray/body shop?

i like the look of corris grey with a black roof. it will be a bit like that one that sold at auction for £400k, although i think that was slightly more silver

Sorry, no idea. Just Google around and see what is available would be my best suggestion.
Not an expert on painting cars, but touching up metallic paint and then lacquering my old 90 was a pain in the backside to get a decent finish. Someone who knows more may give a more definitive answer.
Pleased someone has heard of corris grey! :) I hadnt! :D
Mine is corris grey!! That's the only reason I know
I'm wanting to paint my vehicle corris grey aswell, I believe it is a primarily range rover colour, from my understanding on how metallic paints work I don't think roller painting will give you the look you want, due to the metallic flakes in the paint it needs to be sprayed so the flakes stick into the paint perpendicular to the vehicle body to work effectively, again i'm no paint expert but have done recent research, also £600 for the re-spray sounds cheap anyway
600 is just an outside spray and I don't have much faith in the sprayer either ha! Just wanted to do it my self. What colour does go on well with roller by hand? It's green at the moment
Just to add to the discussion, here are some pictures I took at Corris.
Abandoned quarry:

Another abandoned quarry:

Seats with little tree:

Well, I don't know about Land Rovers, but you meet a few interesting vehicles in the abandoned quarries.
I wonder what this was:

It has a rather nifty gear driven winch and a side valve engine.
I spray painted an 88" with cans a good few years back. You can get the colour made up into cans at a local specialist - buy a batch so they are all the same colour. I think it took a dozen cans to go from green to marine blue, with less for the grey undercoat. I took the doors/bonnet off, the paint went on a bit better with them horizontal (no runs). All done in the back garden. Metallic would be a PITA, but I guess it depends on how professional a finish you are looking for. Of course, £600 might buy you a second hand compressor and paint gun, then you can paint anything!
yea spray cans will be a fortune, do they do big tins of corris grey? or will i have to get them from a spray/body shop?

i like the look of corris grey with a black roof. it will be a bit like that one that sold at auction for £400k, although i think that was slightly more silver
Try The Paintman they sell coach paint that you can apply with a brush and the finish is pretty good.

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