I have a 1982 model Series 3 SWB station wagon with mainly metric nuts and bolts. When the move to metric was made in 1980, did Land Rover upgrade the accessory toolkit from the pre 1980 version with mainly A/F spanners to make a similar one available but with metric metric spanners? I’ve been searching for a suitable original LR accessory tool roll/tool kit with metric spanners but haven’t found one for sale yet. I’ve seen a few advertised for early 90/110 vehicles but these only seem to contain pliers, screw driver, adjustable wrench, a couple of open ended spanners and what looks like a spark plug box spanner with handle. What was offered as a toolkit accessory to purchasers of post 1980 Series vehicles?
I think by the 80s an in car tool kit was a thing of the past. I’ve seen a few plastic tool rolls of the era but they look like they have been cobbled together with home chosen tools.
The box spanners (2) slide into each other for space saving but I’m sure they are from before the series 3.
If you think your 82 is mostly metric you are in for a surprise, even my 1990 Ninety has many imperial. Land Rover were having a Giraffe when the metric changeover was announced. As per above by the 80's the toolkit was nothing much even the diesel ones still had the spark plug box spanner in them.:rolleyes:
I think by the 80s an in car tool kit was a thing of the past. I’ve seen a few plastic tool rolls of the era but they look like they have been cobbled together with home chosen tools.
The box spanners (2) slide into each other for space saving but I’m sure they are from before the series 3.[/QUOTE
Thanks Bobsticle, tottot and Fatrover
Seems I need to look out for an original Series 2a tool set with mainly AF spanners, then add in a few period metric open enders. When I’m displaying my station wagon at events I like to put on show all the standard and optional accessory equipment such as tool kit, Sutty foot pump, jack, starting handle and the maintenance/service books.
Kind regards,
I keep a good selection of imperial and metric spanners in the seat box and mole grips and plumbers grips also stainless steel zip ties, seriously handy.
I keep a good selection of imperial and metric spanners in the seat box and mole grips and plumbers grips also stainless steel zip ties, seriously handy.

That’s good advice Fatrover. I managed to order a set of period Elora metric open-enders on eBay and I’ll add the things you mentioned to my on-board toolkit.


  • LQ8716_Tool_Roll-1.jpg
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Thanks Mik87. The attachment shows the tools up to 1985 but there is only 1 metric spanner mentioned as 11mm x 13mm. This same spanner is included in an early 90/110 toolkit which I obtained from eBay. The kit also contains pliers, adjustable wrench, screw driver, spark plug spanner and 2 bell housing plugs for wading.
Kind regards,

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