Mr Yella Rat Bastid
Woolychuff Close

Should git it there. ;)
**** off, yer diunt get me bumper so i aint givin it yer mr. fookin yes/no

STILL winging about that fooking bumper? FFS :rolleyes:

fairy snuff, pikey dont get his jackall then, hes gonna be most upset with you yella ratfaced bastid ;)
yer bastid grippa

YIKES:eek: Here comes the weather that's gonna make saturday dirty, VERY dirty!!!

Spoke to Disco Dave today and he's up for it (Doris permitting) with his virtually new disco3 so we'll have to try and sink that (Disco Diver?:D ) although i suspect with all the clever computer wizardry and electrickery it will be pretty capable!

Little chef went tits up so it's the Burger King at the services apparently (That'll teach em to have a logo of a man putting his fingers down his throat!)- convoy leaving Lostwithiel station at 10.15, Innis Downs new roundabouts at 10.30 and then a gently 50mph pootle up the a30 to be at Chiverton Cross at 11 (it's only 5 or so mins from there)

I will post a reminder on the Hilux site too, although no doubt if it rains a bit that will put some of em off!

Don't forget your tenners! Looking forward to this:D :D

See yous there

Hi me and a mate have a change of vehical its a 110 yey. I'll meet you at innis downs round about at 10.30 if thats ok for you
Lucky bugger, alls we gets in ere on telly is Shaun the ferkin sheep n Madagascar over and over again!
It;s funny the first 50 or so times at a pinch, then it gets a bit samey! We must be into the thousands by now and there's only 40 or so episodes!

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