
I am rebuilding my complete engine for i’ve came accross 2 things which i would like your guys opinion on.

First, when removing the core plugs in the cilinder head (hit one side with a screwdriver so they flip over) I think have damaged a metal tube witch is right beneath the core plug. It seems this connects 2 cooling fluid departments and presses cooling fluid from the lower one to the chamber above. My question, where are these for and is the damage (see picture) very bad or what should I do? I am afraid removing the other core plugs as there might have a tube beneath them aswell.
Will there be other things behind the other cilinder head core plugs?

Second, I think i want to replace the camshaft bearings but the are pressed in. Should I take it to a machine shop or whats your opinon about them.
Some of the have scratches in them, thats why.


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