
New Member
My 1997 p38 diesal key fob is on its last legs,
Is it possible to copy the signal onto another key fob or just a fob, help please, a new key fob from land rover is £300.
It's not. Try classic rides, North Wales, they do working fobs.
If it's just the case, you can get the electronics transferred, or you can do it yourself if you're clever
It's not. Try classic rides, North Wales, they do working fobs.
If it's just the case, you can get the electronics transferred, or you can do it yourself if you're clever
+1 ^^^^^^^^ Easy to transfer the electronics, new cases can be found on Ebay
My 1997 p38 diesal key fob is on its last legs,
Is it possible to copy the signal onto another key fob or just a fob, help please, a new key fob from land rover is £300.

It is but I only know of a couple of people who can do it and one isn't in the country. I think MrSporty can and Classic Rides can certainly clone keys. As others have said the case is easy enough to replace.

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