thanks guys, good point about running them in ( would have done, but its always worth pointing out the obvious as its normaly the thing we forget!)
i dont mind people saying "HAVE YOU SEEN THAT RED LIGHT ETC..) 99.99999999998 times i have but you never know...
had to go ta a wedding yesterday, one and a half feet of snow plus some drifting (maybe up to two feet not sure i didn't stop) in and out of our track and lane 1in3 i one part also about 200 miles on snowy/icy roads.
Tyres scrabbled for grip twice going back up our track (not to scary even though there is a sheer drop on one side) and the onlt skid on the road when i stamped on the brakes on packed snow to see what happend!
even brand new the grip on the road was better than the old tyres i took off.
think the fuel consumption will go up though.
still dont think we'll ever get stuck.
thanks for the advice G

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