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I'm losing coolant somewhere, but can't see it. I had a leak at either end of the fuel cooler but I've fixed that now. At first I thought it was just air finding its way out after having drained the system when I took the cooler off but it's been a week now and I'm still topping up about a cupful every day or two.
I've had a good look around the engine bay but can't see any pink staining, or any fine spray while the engine is running (engine and fan covers off).
Heater works OK, so that's full I think. I haven't tried a pressure test yet though.
Any ideas chaps?
Check the water pump. Mine had a leak but only over about 2500 rpm. Get someone to rev it and look at the small weep-hole on the side of the pump casing.
Check the water pump. Mine had a leak but only over about 2500 rpm. Get someone to rev it and look at the small weep-hole on the side of the pump casing.
Would that leave a pinkish stain around there?
Well, I think I've found it....
Having a look around with a endoscope thingy at lunchtime didn't reveal anything, so I got underneath it this evening and looked up instead. Found a lot of coolant dripping down on the intake side (I was convinced it would be the other side!) But couldn't see where from. Had a look from the top and eventually saw a fine spray from one of the heater hoses, where it goes into the bulkhead.
Own goal - When I did the fuel cooler, I attempted to remove the hose at that point as there was better access to the hose clip than at the cooler end, but couldn't budge the rubber hose from the solid part, so I ended up removing it at the cooler end off anyway. I thought I'd put the spring hose clip back where it came from, but must have upset something. Maybe the spring has lost some tension, it is 18 years old after all.
So I replaced it with a jubilee clip instead, and we'll see if that hold OK - fingers crossed!

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