
New Member
So, i've been thinking about using veg oil or similar in my car recently... But i'd like some more info first, if anyone can help with the following?

I think the first 2500 litres you use a year is tax free, is that so? And if i go over, who and how do i pay the duty?

What happens if one doesn't pay a duty, and how do they prove that you're using oil?

Whats the difference between using 'used oil' and using fresh oil, straight from tesco?

Is it best to run a duel setup, seperate from diesel?

If so, how does one go about setting the aforementioned up?

And lastly, i hear using rapeseed oil is best, can anyone confirm this?
Rape seed oil has the higher calorific value and is thinest.

New clean oil is best for intank use. Requires no filtering etc.

Used oil is the most cost effective per litre as long as its filtered and has the water removed.

Yes 2500 is the limit. Thet expect you to keep reciepts to prove incase of a random stop check or investigation.

No registration nessesary

A dual setup is easy, loads of people on the web and here have done it. Its the best option to keep the fuel system clean and aid cold start.

Used veg oil is very acidic smd can rot pump seals. This is the case for constant use without flushing diesel through with a dual system. Upgraded pump seals are availible.
New rapeseed oil is best, I buy mine at 70p per litre, with the additives I use, the final price of my "fuel" is £0.88 per litre.

I have been running my Disco 300 tdi on new veg oil for the last 160,000 miles, so from experience here are a couple of words of caution:

1) Common rail diesels don't like veg oil very much!
2) When starting to use veg oil this will "clean" your fuel system, so be prepared to change a few fuel filters for the first 5,000 miles - ideally keep one in the vehicle to do a quick change on the road side, when the debris hits the filter it blocks up rather quickly!
3) Do add some cetane enhancer (lots of choice on fleeBay)
4) Do blend some petrol with the cooking oil, depending on the season I run between 15% and 25% ULP, thins it even further and makes it burn better.
5) Be prepared to change injector nozzles every 40/50,000 miles, even if they are expensive (£100 per set) it works out at 0.25p per mile as you are saving yourself 12p per mile.

There are a couple of forums on the WEB, just google "veg oil fuel blenders", and join one for advice.
I wasn't sure if the 300TDI would like new veg oil... I used to put a couple of litres of new veg oil in a tankful when running my 2.5DI LDV camper (Bosch pump) about 35:1 mix, and it had a similar effect to adding two stroke but cheaper... smoother running ... so perhaps an option with my Discovery then ?

Id also add, Id reccommend using veg only if your doing longer runs at least a couple of times a week where the engine gets up to temperature properly, using veg on short runs and never getting the engine temp up can lead to the rings gumming up,
5) Be prepared to change injector nozzles every 40/50,000 miles, even if they are expensive (£100 per set) it works out at 0.25p per mile as you are saving yourself 12p per mile.

Never ever done that.

Ran a mk5 transit for years on WVO and never had an injector problem.
Running my 300TDi now on blend, and so far so good.

I have a system for filtering WVO that I have developed over the years.

If you can get some WVO (thats the hardest bit) and you need a hand, let me know.

There's lots of people doing different things, and some say this is right that is wrong etc, but I found its all about working out what works for you and your vehicle.

With regards to the 2500 litre thing.. your meant to keep records. Get yourself a waste transfer form if you collect from chippies etc, its a good tool to have.

Stay away from anything "palm oil" based (Prep Maxi for one), and ensure all your oil is collected when its cold. Been stung a few times with some "oil" that is liquid when warm, but solid like butter when it cools.

That stuff is OK for making Bio, but no good for what you want, then you need to dispose of it.

Good luck!
2500 litres is 550 gallons. If you are using it 100% all year round that 11000 miles on the worst case scenario of you doing 20mpg, its nearly 15000 miles if you are getting 25mpg. If you then take into account you will probably be mixing then you are looking at between 20-30k miles before you need to declare it. I certainly dont do anwhere near that in mine :)
Besides... who would know ;)

The reason they say that is as they have to make some ruling about it.

The truth is, it would cost waaaay to much to police it so, carry on.

I got pulled by VOSA loads in my old transit, each time i left her running. They took one sniff at the back and said... "on your way son".

Ive got 300tdi on bio at the minute, only problem ive had is the filter clogging but thats expected... I keep saying im going to make a dual tank system with a heater and clean veg oil in the main tank and white derv in a 20L tank for start ups and runing 1st few mile till oil warms up.

Anyone have any experience of putting heaters in main tank ?
if you go over 2500L in any 12 month period you pay duty on all of it, not just the bit over 2500L.

google "HMRC179E" for all the details.

also do a search here there are loads of threads about veg oil.

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