Yeah, if it's the one I think it is, and I only heard it second hand as I wasn't there. However there seemed to be a disagreement about what a Guiness bid entailed paperwork-wise and depending what side you hear the details from, different people see the episode .... well... differently! Same for the roof tent, some say he was warned but ignored it.... wasn't there so can't say personally. The C4H forum at the time had a lot of arguing about the incident and it's probably better left behind.

Work commitments kept me away from C4H last year, but as an ex-serviceman I will support many charities that give the widest spread for the donation. End of the day as long as the Forces benefit I dont mind where the donation is collected.
Yeah, if it's the one I think it is, and I only heard it second hand as I wasn't there. However there seemed to be a disagreement about what a Guiness bid entailed paperwork-wise and depending what side you hear the details from, different people see the episode .... well... differently! Same for the roof tent, some say he was warned but ignored it.... wasn't there so can't say personally. The C4H forum at the time had a lot of arguing about the incident and it's probably better left behind.

Work commitments kept me away from C4H last year, but as an ex-serviceman I will support many charities that give the widest spread for the donation. End of the day as long as the Forces benefit I dont mind where the donation is collected.

Well I was there for both bits and heard and saw the C4H group discuss and leave the convoy en masse and I absolutely saw the tent incident as I was following directly behind him and saw the cameras with my own eyes .

Thing is for the people who were involved did no favours for the cause...which is a shame . That said we discovered whata great charity
BLESMA is and we continue to support them
It seemed that sadly C4H had thought their name to be more important than the people they had been created to support. :(

That said I hope it was a lesson learned.
Yeah, if it's the one I think it is, and I only heard it second hand as I wasn't there. However there seemed to be a disagreement about what a Guiness bid entailed paperwork-wise and depending what side you hear the details from, different people see the episode .... well... differently! Same for the roof tent, some say he was warned but ignored it.... wasn't there so can't say personally. The C4H forum at the time had a lot of arguing about the incident and it's probably better left behind.

Work commitments kept me away from C4H last year, but as an ex-serviceman I will support many charities that give the widest spread for the donation. End of the day as long as the Forces benefit I dont mind where the donation is collected.

As the person situated directly in front of 110Woman (AKA the guy with the roof tent) I can confirm that instead of warning me they readied their cameras. They even had the cheek to show their disappointment when I went around the arch.

I too witnessed the pulling out incident and the various excuses as to why they pulled out. These ranged from health and safety to there weren't enough anyway to someone had to look after their stand.

C4H will never get my support. I will happily give direct to any forces charity but as long as I have a hole in my backside I will never donate a penny of my money or a second of my time to them.
It's a real she in my mind, I really want to be part of the Convoy but after what happened at B&W in 2012 I'd find it hard.
I was there for it all, when the world record attempt was "called off" I heard the comments on the CB and it was absolutely unforgivable. Saying that, if any one of the people there had made any kind of admission or apology my thoughts may have been different.
I have more than enough respect for our service men and I will donate, just not to a profit making organization. Mark Pattenden, a BLESMA member and fund raiser impressed beyond words that weekend, and since then myself and Roy went on a little mission to help. Our local pub and it's regulars/businessmen have raised nei on £4500 since then and won't look back.
In fact, a world record attempt at our anniversary may just be a challenge that we could achieve with ALL money going to charity.

Sorry for the rant, but the wound is deep on this one
As the person situated directly in front of 110Woman (AKA the guy with the roof tent) I can confirm that instead of warning me they readied their cameras. They even had the cheek to show their disappointment when I went around the arch.

I too witnessed the pulling out incident and the various excuses as to why they pulled out. These ranged from health and safety to there weren't enough anyway to someone had to look after their stand.

C4H will never get my support. I will happily give direct to any forces charity but as long as I have a hole in my backside I will never donate a penny of my money or a second of my time to them.

The pulling out of the procession was, to be generous, bad form. Unfortunately as a well known and visual group many people followed them in the confusion which probably wasn't their intention.

It was the excuses after where they really lost my respect
Well, I've booked onto C4H. Feel I should try it at least once! :D

Me too before I heard about any of this, let's keep fingers crossed, and remember it's for a good cause at the end of the day, I do agree its a bit over priced at 70quid with camping.

But say that our service men deserve every penny for what they have given and sadly lost for us.

Will check out BLESMA soon though :)
I attended the last two convoy for heroes in my td4 , I tried to promote the event last year on the freelander section , and was slated by the L Z members that had the grievances with C4H , nothing to do with me , I was supporting our armed forces , I think this could be the last year for the event as numbers dwindle , :( and we are due to leave afghanistan at the end of 2014 , still in two minds about going this year .
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I attended the last two convoy for heroes in my td4 , I tried to promote the event last year on the freelander section , and was slated by the L Z members that had the grievances with C4H , nothing to do with me , I was supporting our armed forces , I think this could be the last year for the event as numbers dwindle , :( and we are due to leave afghanistan at the end of 2014 , still in two minds about going this year .

I think it's fair to point out the grievances were with C4H not you and those involved were LZ members, moderators, admin and owner who were at an event to support our armed forces.

Anyone is free to attend a C4H event and talk about it here but don't be suprised if you get reminded why they are not as popular as they might be.
Well I'm Ex-Army and am going - just got my confirmation.

Looking forward to it - just hope it stays dry! I currently work in W Africa where we are having daytime temperatures of 43 degrees (was on the coast recently where it was 25 and was really cold!) - so I'll be the one dressed in a puffa jacket when everyone else is in shorts!

Never been before, no interest in previous politics so lets support this and have a laugh eh?

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