
New Member
I am restoring a 1983 Series 3. It has been supplied to me incomplete with a 1986-ish 2.5 litre Turbo Diesel engine. Has anyone else done this conversion? Any advice about things to watch out for?

The particular issue I have at the moment is how to get the heater working. Clearly the heater matrix is different and the old lever control on the Series 3 will not work. I have made new copper tubing to connect to the heater matrix. What should I fit instead to give me/control heat? Can I, for example, take the heater controls out of a Defender or another Rover and fit them into the series 3 to allow me to control the heating offer by the TD engine?

Any advice on the best Kenlowe electric fan and size to use?

get a TDi if you can instead, the TD is pointless (i guess the only point being that you already have one but yer much better off with a 200!)
Search on here for advice on the conversion, it has been covered several times in the last few months.
As for the heater get the control valve from a series engine and screw it onto the TD lump. Its that simple.
As for the fan get the biggest you can fit. You will probaby have to get one that pushes air through the radiator because you wont be able to fit it between the rad and engine.
Thanks, that is helpful. I am stuck with the 2.5TD engine as that's what the S3 came with.

Unfortunately the heater matrix is the original S3 one, not the one for the 2.5TD, which is why I can't see how to connect and control it. Are you saying I need to buy the 2.5TD heater matrix and then everything withh connect easily and I can use the standard in cab S3 controls to operate it?
I completely removed the heater controls as stock landy's don't give too much heat I might as well be fully opened in the winter (I close it off in the summer with a normal watervalve I put in between)

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