
New Member
read a lot of posts on temperature gauges during a conversion, took a 19j out and put 200tdi in, swapped the temp sensor over and it reads high, if i put the headlights on it goes into the red, if i put the electric fan on it goes into the red, i haven't wired anything else in, and everything else works, sounds like a ground prob but i dont know where to start? (it does the same with the tdi sensor)
Thanks, i'll give it a try, noticed when i put the heater fan on it jumps up, also I fitted an electric fan (just on/off no thermostat) and when i switch that on it also jumps up?
Since my engine swap 18 months ago my temperature needle sits exactly on the start of the red (I treat this as the norm). Only time it climbs is towing a trailer up a long hill. 200tdi rarely run warm in day to day use just flick the electric fan on when engine is doing a bit of work.
I'm lost! the TDI sensor reads lower than the 19j one, the gauge works fine, the sensors work fine when you ground them out, mine sits just at the end of the white but when you put the headlights on it shoots way into the red,same with the heater, and the electric fan,i tried looking for a direct way of wiring it to the gauge and sensor, but I think i need to buy another transmitter/regulator, the fuel gauge works fine? I've just ordered an old style gauge and copper wired sensor, see what that does? just done 2500miles from limoge to aberdeen and back with no problems or loss of water, just need piece of mind!

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