
Well-Known Member
I've got about 20 Litres of contaminated paraffin sat in the shed, it's full of oil, gunk, metal shavings, & god knows what from being used to clean gearboxes, cylinder heads, tboxes, etc.

Any ideas what it can be used for?

Is it possible to easily filter it or should I just take it to the local recyling centre?
Someone who runs a multi fuel diesel in their military vehicle - like an FV432 - they will filter the crap out of it and run it on it - especially when consumption is measure in gallons per mile.

When companies charge you to empty your contaminated field tank because you filled up at the wrong pump these military guys will love you as they often get it very cheap / free and they can basically run on anything....

So basically find yourself a mate with tank....
I know some blokes with CVRTs but they're a long way off.

Would love 107 or a 432 :D I'm a bit big for the 107 though tbh.

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