1. Personally I'd look for the word "Defender" on the bonnet.
2. It doesn't bother me, but some people will give you mild abuse unless you post in the "Introduce Yourself" section first. ;)
I had a good look on YouTube for videos on what to look for before buying. It was really useful. Good luck! :)
Hi welcome to lz :)

It is a little worrying they call it a jeep :eek: have a look at some reviews of the garage. Only saying that as my ex bought an absolute heap of a freelander from a garage that we had to take to court...

So some things to ask and look for... Has the vcu been changed, ird, corrosion underneath, has it still got the original gear box... Does the boot window work properly? And don't forget to check the wheel tread.

Maybe ask them to get it serviced too...

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