
New Member
Went for a drive today and thought I'd check the status of the route known as the Conquering Hero, which runs from the Rhewl over the tops to Bryneglws. I am sad to say that a TRO is still in place and nothing much seems to have changed since 2009 when it was first implemented.

This was a lovely lane set in a beautiful countryside, but looks like its been lost now for green laning..
Well if nobody questions the validity of the TRO and accepts it then it's bound to stay on forever.

Get in touch with the local ROW and ask. They can be very approachable.
Well if nobody questions the validity of the TRO and accepts it then it's bound to stay on forever.

Get in touch with the local ROW and ask. They can be very approachable.

I will try tomorrow, but I did query it about 18 months ago, and the local ROW for Wrexham was not really interested.

They said it was an UUCR, so the responsibility belonged to the local Highways Departments of Wrexham and Denbigh councils . They in turn basically said they had no budget to carry out the work required and that they perceived as a low priority..

I suspect to compound matters the local anoraks have been lobbying to keep it shut..


Did they say what was needed to repair?

I don't remember exactly, but I believe the track was in danger of giving way and it sounded a substantial repair. They made a big e deal about it being closed for safety reasons, but I note its still open to other forms of traffic.

As I alluded in another thread, I get the distinct impression Wrexham Council are anti Green Laning and see us all as problem causers..

I've tried to point out the potential for 4x4 tourism and the boost it could (and actually does) give to the local area, but they are not interested..
I believe that the council, no matter the reason are still liable to repair it if you make them aware of it.

Im not sure of the legal position but TRO's are not there to be used as a permanent solution to closing a lane.

If you ask them under the "freedom of information" act for the reason its closed and there proof. Then if its not closed to foot traffic go and look at it and if you doubt there reasons then ask the council again how you can dispute the claim.

Get the word out on here maybe or your local 4x4 club and get them to have a look to and make there own enquiries also.

Councils are obliged to tell you there complaints procedure and how to appeal decisions.
The lane I know as the conquering hero was open in 2012 because we drove it no problems. Last I heard it started getting messy with the farmer locking then blocking gates and standoffs with bikers and police getting called. Then the council slapped a TRO on it to fix the water hole on the top bit but I never had that confirmed
The lane I know as the conquering hero was open in 2012 because we drove it no problems. Last I heard it started getting messy with the farmer locking then blocking gates and standoffs with bikers and police getting called. Then the council slapped a TRO on it to fix the water hole on the top bit but I never had that confirmed

Wasn't there a thread about it or was that another lane close to Llangollen?
Phoned Wrexham Council yesterday, but go the usual run around and the promise of a call back with an update, but not holding my breath. Will take a run up there again and will read the small print on the TRO notice at teh Llan end but won't be able to to that til next week probably..
Not like theyre printed on os maps or anything publucly accesible:p

yes i know but if we can do as much as possible to prevent the morons from ruining lanes then every little helps i think.

Most of the off piste idiots are either too bone idle or to stupid to figure out grid refs anyway.

Thanks Stu

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