New Member
My RR is a 91 vogue SE and the unit that does the arieal has been disconected and the person has forgotten which cables go on which terminals!!:rolleyes:

Can anyone please explain which goes to which terminal. PLEASE!

The manual just shows the picture of it but not explaining which is what cable. I have a new radio going in and I do not want to bu**er it up.

Over to you guys!
can't you just find out which one is live and work it out from there?
There are 3 terminals on the black box and three cables!

If I find which is the live then which terminal does it go on?

And the other two? Does it matter which they go on?
I thought there was only 1 single power lead going to the unit,then the aerial cable from the radio to the unit,and the unit to the window?
I have one largw brown cable and two black thin ones.
Does teh thicl Brown go on the terminal opp the arieal and the two blacks go on the top terminals??
Looking at the manual I can see the problem your having,the unit in my range isn't like that one.What year is your car?
She is a 1991 Vogue SE

I suppose you have the smaller White one that goes to the side windows aka LSE

Yes the manual and Haynes all have the picture but no saying which is which.

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