Paul D

Old, nackered 'n broke, but the Landy is fine . :)
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Matt Henchcliffe.

Voted today at the Glass AGM to be the new chairman of the Green Lane Association. It was a close run vote, but in my opinion went to the right man, Well done Matt.

Glass are undergoing somewhat of a revolution, and a lot of the change has been pushed along behind the scenes by Matt and others like him, pushing new methods, embracing new media and generally getting involved. With Matt as chairman I can only see Glass growing and getting stronger, allowing us to do more to keep even more Green Roads, or Lanes, open for vehicular use. There are new methods being applied and more new technologies and integration being applied to the back office as well as the front-end that can easily be seen ... Trailwise is being worked on especially and remains the No1 Lane Reference in the country, with more new things to come.

The future looks good ......

If you're interested in helping get in contact with your local rep and ask how you might help. Join Glass and just get involved .. various areas are working hard with things like lane clearances, or way-marking, some are aiming more at the background, getting onto Local Access Forums, lobbying local councils etc, there's almost always something you can get involved in.

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