
New Member

Hi all, bit confused and need a bit of help, found a site that does free os maps and had a look if there is anything near me and found this, went out this afternoon and the white road is very good, compacted hardcore with smooth bumps and leaves a nice dust cloud even at 10 mph, lol, however, the blue dot says thats a bridleway but at the bottom is a big breakers yard. Am I missing something as I thought you couldnt drive on them. the other thing, are they lanes where the red dot is as I couldn't find an entrance.

Got a grid reference including the two letter code? I can't actually make out much on the little snippet on my screen
If it's classed as a bridleway it means there's no public vehicular right of way, but there's no reason if it's privately owned that vehicles can't with permission or on business for the landowner.

If it's in normal use with a business along it, it just means that you have no implicit right to drive it and could be asked not to. Out of business hours, for example might raise some eyebrows.
Seffy: Is this what you mean (53.380N, 1.000W : SK66618746)

Blue Beasty: Ah that makes sense, probably why the road is so bad to keep people away.
Exactly as BB says .. It's close to where I live, there's loads of Lanes in the area, we're going to have an outing around there in a few weeks .. You'd be welcome to come along with us. Usually start or end in Bawtry .. ;)
Exactly as BB says .. It's close to where I live, there's loads of Lanes in the area, we're going to have an outing around there in a few weeks .. You'd be welcome to come along with us. Usually start or end in Bawtry .. ;)

Dont suppose there would be room for one more vehicle would thereā€¦ I'm only in Rotherham and want to get to know the local lanes. No probs if not, its a cheeky ask!
No problem. Not sure when, 'cos we're going Wales next weekend, then I'm away for a couple then Wales again, but different places, so will be a few weeks .. :)

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