
Well-Known Member
Round my way theres a growing number of car theves breaking into houses to steal the car keys. Ive been a victom of this about 2 years ago!
Anywat today was thinking about adding a kill switch or somthing but dont want to upset the becm by cutting into any wires
Then it dawned on me the transfer neutral fuse!
Was thinking if i run spade connectors to a discrete switch then if anyone does get the keys, yes they can start it, but it will confuse the hell out of them as to why it wont go into gear
Is this idea likley to damage anything ie.. The tranfer motor not desined to be used so often ect... Or im i better just finding a better hiding place for the keys?
Round my way theres a growing number of car theves breaking into houses to steal the car keys. Ive been a victom of this about 2 years ago!
Anywat today was thinking about adding a kill switch or somthing but dont want to upset the becm by cutting into any wires
Then it dawned on me the transfer neutral fuse!
Was thinking if i run spade connectors to a discrete switch then if anyone does get the keys, yes they can start it, but it will confuse the hell out of them as to why it wont go into gear
Is this idea likley to damage anything ie.. The tranfer motor not desined to be used so often ect... Or im i better just finding a better hiding place for the keys?

It's a P38, the likelyhood of them being able to start it, even with the key is pretty slim :D
Interesting idea. I can't see any reason why it won't work. The revving engine might even wake you or attract some attention from neighbours.
Leave a set of old keys in the hall by the door and keep your car keys in a safe place, that way they will nick the wrong keys and wont even get into the car....simples:)
Leave a set of old keys in the hall by the door and keep your car keys in a safe place, that way they will nick the wrong keys and wont even get into the car....simples:)

Yeah right, they'll put 'em in the lock and snap 'em off ... :rolleyes:
Leave a fake key fob that has a blank key attached and when they press the fob it sets of a fookin huge alarm outside the house. Bit like a doorbell!
oh ok
ive got a small push buton switch and some spade conectors
was thinking of fitting it to the fuse cover under the drivers seat that way once hes sat in the seat it will be the last place he would look
should only take a few mins to fit
Round my way theres a growing number of car theves breaking into houses to steal the car keys. Ive been a victom of this about 2 years ago!
Anywat today was thinking about adding a kill switch or somthing but dont want to upset the becm by cutting into any wires
Then it dawned on me the transfer neutral fuse!
Was thinking if i run spade connectors to a discrete switch then if anyone does get the keys, yes they can start it, but it will confuse the hell out of them as to why it wont go into gear
Is this idea likley to damage anything ie.. The tranfer motor not desined to be used so often ect... Or im i better just finding a better hiding place for the keys?
Like it sound a good idear:amen:
all done :D
hardest bit was finding were i put the solder for the back of the switch
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I liked the one where a guy rigged up a metal spike under the seat, can't remember how it was triggered but when activated the thief knew he'd been buggered:eek: Sadly it was the car owner not the thief who got done.
Think i heard about that lol and yea tested it works fine
Only problem is my drives quite steep and the handbrakes not that good
Think you see the problem lol
There was a guy in leeds a few years ago that riged a 8foot lenth of drain pipe filled with concrete to his garage roof
The plan was it swings down hitting whoever opend the door. was a good plan and it worked well as his 8 year old daughter will tell you :eek:

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