
New Member
Good evening everyone, First post.
Standard series 3 12 volt petrol, had a coil go supernova on me last year and melted lots of low tension wires. Replaces every piece of wire, ballast resistor, coil, ht leads, cap, rotor arm, plugs. After driving around the condensor blows up with amazing regularity. Points also get scorched when this happens but no marks on dissy metal base plate.
Change condensor and points and starts first time until next time.
Usually get mis-fire then, shortly afterwards no go, so time to pull off.

Any help, advice, shoulder to cry on would be of help.

Advantage ? can set points in seconds now with all the practice !!!!!!

Andy K
Sorry but that still sounds like yer coil ! I had similair two weeks back, changed points, cap,cond',leads plugs.............burnt points still............then a new coil, runs like a sewing machine !
Replaces every piece of wire, ballast resistor, coil, ht leads, cap, rotor arm, plugs.

I might be wrong but I cant remember using a 9v coil with a ballast resistor on a Landrover.
Its been a while though.:eek:
Coil is marked up for use with resistor, so its set up that way.
Might try by-passing it and see what happens ( will keep fire ext handy though )
All better now, changed everything again from a different supplier and it all seems to be staying in one piece for the moment.

None of the mysterious blue smoke that stops everything electrical working when it appears.

It did need a bloody good run out there so been on a little drive in the wonderful sunny North of Scotland, Its not a bank holiday here so the rain is all down south.

Thanks for the advice.

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