
New Member
Hi all, I have a freelander 2 SD4 which I bought from new 10yrs ago. Have been really pleased with the car and with the local dealer generally. ( this is my first post so not entirely sure if I’m posting appropriately.)
I dropped the car at the dealers 2 weeks ago for its routine service. As the it’s 10 years old this included replacing the timing belt. I was initially informed that after completing the job and they had detected a noise on start up and had to investigate. Then I got told that the new tensioner that had been fitted was faulty and they had ordered a replacement. I checked in today and managed to get a glimpse of my car and the engine had been stripped down to the engine block. I’m not too acquainted with LR procedures, but I believe removing the cylinder head is not necessary for a timing belt replacement. I’m Starting to think that the issue may be more serious than just a faulty new tensioner. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
A word of warning ask the garage to give you an update especially to costs and is it just a timing belt as you don't need to strip an engine down that far for a timing belt.
Yep I would go there and ask them to tell you what work has been done so far, why, and tell them you want to see the car
My guess is it was timed incorrectly when new belt was fitted with bent valves being the result,
Ask to look at the head and see if their are any witness marks on the piston crowns,
Welcome to the forum

I have the same concerns as the others above. They messed up the job and something went wrong inside your engine. You don't need to remove the head to change the rubber timing belt or tensioner. There is a timing chain inside but that only needs changed if it becomes noisy through wear etc. If you have a diesel FL2 then you have the DW12 peugeot engine fitted.

If it were mine I would be wanting to see it so I could find out what they have been up to. And what the damage/cost is. Why did the tensioner fail and to what extent did it fail? As timing belts go, it's not that difficult on a diesel FL2. A competent garage shouldn't struggle with it if they know what they're doing.
Thank you all for your comments. Vehicle got repaired at no extra cost, but ultimately I just wasn’t happy with it any more and traded it in for a new discovery sport.

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