
Hello guys,
I was just wondering what's the robbery rate at which these are getting robbed at the moment?
I like the out doors so which from off road bike to (buying soon hopefully) a defender but I'm concerned about the time money and effort for some scum to come and help them selfs,
As read on here today two have been robbed which had the pedal cover on them,
What else can do done realistically before I spend my hard earned and somebody just take it?
Thanks in advance
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you have to make them as secure as possible and use it (security) all the time.
If you buy one do not waste any money modifying it until you've really upped the security. Think pedal locks, a disclok, maybe a tracker and a upgraded or better alarm.
Even then you will still have the odd attack, I've had 7 in 12 months. All happened until the security was at a level that they now look for a easier target.
On each occasion my security stopped the landy being knocked as I've done loads of stuff to make even the std security none std.
There is plenty advice on trackers and physical security devices. However, if someone wants your Defender badly enough they will take it, sad really. Best advice is to buy one that looks like a basket case with multi coloured rusty doors and dog eaten headrest, that way it will be less desirable.
Hello guys,
I was just wondering what's the robbery rate at which these are getting robbed at the moment?
I like the out doors so which from off road bike to (buying soon hopefully) a defender but I'm concerned about the time money and effort for some scum to come and help them selfs,
As read on here today two have been robbed which had the pedal cover on them,
What else can do done realistically before I spend my hard earned and somebody just take it?
Thanks in advance
Dude.. you live in Liverpool, that's where most of the thievers come from so you should be safe enough :)
Manchester is worse than Liverpool;

I was hoping on getting a little project but thing I can't, no point if it's in pieces, might have to come up with another place of storage,
7 times in 12 months !!
That would make me just wanna get rid
Uw the ell is going to be bothered going to Slopshire for one. Our local dealer has dozens on his plot. Some of them still have their panels on and everything.
I've gone for pedal lock, bright yellow diskloc, alarm, cctv on the drive, huge gates across the drive, and, I park my other cars in front of it on the drive - it'll take some serious determination to consider a go at mine.

It'll probably just get nicked from a car park now when I pop into the shops instead.
I use mine everyday and enjoy it and if it gets nicked it's got a tracker and insurance. If you're honestly that put off buy a series or discovery
If you wait a few years the rate at which they're stolen will drop. Why? Well, there will be less to steal because so many will have been stolen already. They're being stolen all the time, its bad. I'm currently working on the missus to let me keep mine in the house.
Dude.. you live in Liverpool, that's where most of the thievers come from so you should be safe enough :)
I wish that was the case. lol

mine has been attacked in all kinds of places under cctv in different parts of the country too, The corberau seats etc are too much of a attraction.
Move to the southwest, never locked mine.

Insure it and don't worry about it 'cos if they want it, it's likely they'll have it regardless of the protection you use.
This is probably the best advice to be honest. If you can get it valued at a decent price you would be happy receiving you would be less worried.
Insure it and don't worry about it 'cos if they want it, it's likely they'll have it regardless of the protection you use.

Its just a car. When I bought my old Disco I was going to fit some fancy bits but a good friend pointed out you want it to blend in not stand out, if you have all these fancy bits it stands out and attracts thieves just for the resale value of the bits.
Personally I feel a Disco is better value but it depends on what you are going to do with it?
As others have said - insure it. And make sure that you keep the insurance excess sum sat in a savings account ready to use!

Best security for when its at home of course is to build a garage big enough for it to fit in and then add security features to the garage. Landmines will work quite well, as will a 240v mains supply hooked up to the vehicle's chassis. For further tips see "Home Alone".

The only truly guaranteed security of course is to have a couple of paid snipers sat on your neighbours' roof ready to shoot at the scumbags as soon as they go anywhere near the car.

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