Don't think you will find mixed views on the P38, very very nice motor when they're running right, which isn't often :D And:welcome:
ha well i'll certainly try.


what are peoples thoughts on this? it's quite close to me, looks perfect for what I want and it's in my price range...just that mileage is a concern to me... is it a justified concern?

The mileage shouldn't be a worry IF it has been serviced regularly.
The bits that he claims have been recently replaced look good but - you really need somebody who knows these to have a crawl all over it.

Welcome, by the way. :D
If you post up your location 'Roughly' you might just get someone who knows what they're looking at, who will come and have a look with you if you bribe them with chips. Incase you didn't know, chips are actually used as currency round here;);););)

You mean CAKE
I'm thinking of getting into the lifestyle that comes with Landrover ownership

Oh you mean continually broke and spending every spare hour working out why **** don't work, and every weekend attempting to make it do so.

My main concern is I really don't have a great deal of mechanical experience

Well you are going to get it ... boy are you going to get it

Be Gentle

Not in the forum T's and C's I'm afraid, this isn't the place for the easily offended, great advice but often directly delivered, very directly and not always vehicle related :)

the wife hates it when i talk about cars

Then she is really going to love the time you need to spend fixing one :)

P38 diesel reduces the headaches somewhat but not totally. All jobs are pretty much DIY although they do on occasion need special tools, don't be afraid to ask no matter how dumb the question may seem you will get a constructive answer ... eventually.

I would be tempted by a Disco for that sort of money. Not sure what others think but I would be less worried about buying a Disco than a P38. There would be the usual rot to look out for though obviously! Either way, welcome! :5bdriving:
I would be tempted by a Disco for that sort of money. Not sure what others think but I would be less worried about buying a Disco than a P38. There would be the usual rot to look out for though obviously! Either way, welcome! :5bdriving:

Not against a disco just the rangie looks soo much nicer and more than likely much more comfortable to drive but then again i've only ever been in a newer rangie and an old disco so not really a great comparison.

As to gaining more mechanical knowledge i'm definately not against learning but obviously don't want to be spending every waking hour not being able to drive the thing....maybe I need a rethink :lol:
A good TD5 if you can get, 300TDi if the mechanical type - search for injector 4 issues ..

The p38 is a sound looking car don't get me wrong, I had so much trouble with mine I swore I'd never drive a landrover product again. I didn't cheat on maintenance but it didn't help. When they are running well they are the mutts nuts, the ride the air suspension delivers is mind blowingly good, but when they go wrong you had better have the patience of a saint and the cheque book of Richard Branson.

My issues were suspension - ECU and sensors, Engine - 3 frikkin times, Central Locking / immobiliser issues, Auto gearbox (this was the straw that broke my back), steering box and transfer box and numerous electrical 'irritations', ABS sensors - I off roaded it once and it took me three months to recover from that - water got in through air vents while wading and came in behind the dash like Niagara falls ...
A good TD5 if you can get, 300TDi if the mechanical type - search for injector 4 issues ..

The p38 is a sound looking car don't get me wrong, I had so much trouble with mine I swore I'd never drive a landrover product again. I didn't cheat on maintenance but it didn't help. When they are running well they are the mutts nuts, the ride the air suspension delivers is mind blowingly good, but when they go wrong you had better have the patience of a saint and the cheque book of Richard Branson.

My issues were suspension - ECU and sensors, Engine - 3 frikkin times, Central Locking / immobiliser issues, Auto gearbox (this was the straw that broke my back), steering box and transfer box and numerous electrical 'irritations', ABS sensors - I off roaded it once and it took me three months to recover from that - water got in through air vents while wading and came in behind the dash like Niagara falls ...

yeah that's the concern really, I mean I don't mind paying for repairs etc but who actively looks to spend money when you don't have to :lol: maybe i'm barking up the wrong tree with a landy I don't have a driveway as I live in the city and whilst i do have a garage it's a bit of a pig to work on anything outside of it.... hmmm might be the wrong time to get into landrovers
Doesn't matter the kind of car, your location isn't changing at a guess, depends how busy your road is - in some areas is isn't legal to work on your car at the side of the road unless there is a legitimate reason, around me they even take a dim view of you doing so on your driveway if it makes the place look shabby, if anyone complains you get a warning - the benefits of a high council tax area - not. I'm lucky in that I have the space and plenty of land twixt garages and road - in fact you can't see my garages from the road.

Don't take the scare stories to heart, end of the day you have to make a choice, getting your hands dirty can be a real fun way to pass the time. No car is without its faults, some need more attention than others that's all.

If it's what you want go for it, don't be put off, everyones story is different.
Doesn't matter the kind of car, your location isn't changing at a guess, depends how busy your road is - in some areas is isn't legal to work on your car at the side of the road unless there is a legitimate reason, around me they even take a dim view of you doing so on your driveway if it makes the place look shabby, if anyone complains you get a warning - the benefits of a high council tax area - not. I'm lucky in that I have the space and plenty of land twixt garages and road - in fact you can't see my garages from the road.

Don't take the scare stories to heart, end of the day you have to make a choice, getting your hands dirty can be a real fun way to pass the time. No car is without its faults, some need more attention than others that's all.

If it's what you want go for it, don't be put off, everyones story is different.

Good advice, well the garage isn't visable from the road either it's behind the house so no bother there plus it sounds like cake and chips would probably be the going rate for a driveway and experienced hand :lol:

thing is my drive to work is slow...lame...boring...and well it's going to work so it's ment to be crap i guess but in a rangie it sounds more comfortable and a bit more relaxing to me.

Point taken though i mean it's not like i'm paying £20k i'm paying £2k!! so can't expect anything to be faultless i'm just being cautious obviously do need it to get me to work and would hate to buy something on a whim and be left in the lurch more times than not...
If you just want a more comfy commute get an older Mercedes!
A landie or range would be more fun (and often strangely more relaxing and calming because you can't rush) but it could stress you out by the sounds of it if it doesn't turn out to be reliable.
Either way you are wise to have asked first. Many people buy a p38 on a whim and regret it. Others buy one after researching them lots and get a good one and love it.
Good luck with your search!
I have had a P38 diesel and now on my second Disco tdi. In my opinion you will get fewer problems with a Disco and they will be cheaper to fix. I have a Disco tdi ES at the moment. The leather seats and spec feel similar to my P38 and you should be able to get a tidy example for £2000. My '95 M cost £1400 and it's just flown through the MOT.

Get a Disco!
as ie said before people are drawn into the pee38 thinking wow what agreat looking motor look at all them gadgets n big comfy seats thinking i get a lot of motor for my ££

but in reality u get a lot of problems for your ££

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