Yeah, that old excuse for lack of social skills eh :)
I don't have to like anything, or go anywhere either :p So get back in yer box!

I have plenty of social skills thanks. Like most things (except LRO magazines and bell ends like you) sounds like its you who needs to get back in ya box ya cnut
I like LRO, it does have useful stuff in, not all the time. But if I do happen to have an item I don't want and someone has something that might be of use, it feasible to swap. One mans junk and all that tosh. How about we agree to disagree :) but I'm right of course ;)
I like LRO, they wifeswap, does it have useful stuff in? none of the time. But if I do happen to have an item I don't want and someone has something that might be of use, it feasible to swap. One mans junk and all that tosh. How about we agree to disagree :) but I'm a retard of course ;)

So what are you giving him in exchange for his magazines?
I have nothing he wants....unless he wants a 300tdi tensioner with fubard bearing. But that's beside the point, I'm talking in general not only specific to this thread....

Do you want my tensioner with knackered bearing? :D
i had a load of mags to give away. No body wanted em. Id be surprised if anyone is interested in swapping summit good for summit ****e. And arsey newb.HAHAHAHAA!

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