The new SWB Land Rover looks more spacious than I imagined. The boot space looks quite useful for domestic use.
The thing I don't like about most modern (ie last decade) is how thick the doors and sides are. The inside of a Series is !/8" smaller than the outside. Modern vehicles happily lose 6" then try to palm you off with a few cubby holes. I recently tried to help a new parent get a buggy into the boot of a new hatchback. I thought she was making a mess of it, but actually despite the hatchback being the size of the average car from 20 years ago, it wouldn't fit. The sides were 4" thick, the rear lights intruded into the hatch by a huge amount, the hatch itself was so thick it hit your head, the rear seat folding mechnism was inpenetrable. I love the simplicity of the Series, a door handle that looks like a handle (not a badge, hidden lip or flush button) and a flat floor.
I love the simplicity too, which is lost on any modern car. That's not to say I don't like a modern car, and after owning a series I have a new found appreciation of my daily driver - eg when it starts and drives every time , and the door doesn't incessantly pop open.

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