
New Member
Hi All, I have a 2003 Freelander TD4 and want to run some Liqui-Moly diesel purge through the system but I am unsure exactly which pipes I need to disconnect, I have seen various videos, none of which are Freelander and mostly under the bonnet.
Some have both feed and return pipes going into the bottle, other have just the feed?
I expect to be disconnecting pipes under the rear wheel arch and also expect to replace the fuel filter (currently a few months old), but I do need help understanding the setup.
Any help, illustrations would be greatly appreciated.
Liqui-Moly diesel purg

It's snake oil, like most of these quick treatments. You're better of using a proven quality fuel additive in the tank.

If you must use it, the fuel system isn't complex. There's a low pressure pump at the back which pushes fuel into the high pressure fuel pump at the front. Any fuel not used by the HP pump is simply returned to the tank. You can't add anything in the engine bay as it's all under pressure. The low pressure fuel pump runs at over 50 Psi and the high pressure fuel pump at over 25,000 Psi. You decide if you want to mess with that!
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Oh I wouldn't want to be messing with that, thanks for the advice, any recommends on proven additives?

There are plenty available at your local Halfords. I use Comma Diesel Magic once a month to keep the injectors clean. Comma make a more powerful cleaner to help clean problem injectors.
The TD4 engine doesn't like cheap fuels, so premium brands are best. This advice is the same of all modern common rail engines. :)
Snakes use oil to allow themselves to slide across the ground... It's a myth but peeps beleive anything and some will advertise products such as snake oil which has no benefit or value, in the hope yer buy it and they make money from it. HippoOil is different. It's a quality product with may uses.
Just out of interest what does that mean?

Usually something that is advertised to be a 'cure all' for a problem but in reality is of no genuine goes back to the days of Cowboys and 'Injuns' when the old bloke in the top hat usually turns up in a town with a 'Elixir' that is probably a mixture of whiskey and anything else he thought to mix in with it to be able to sell it to some unsuspecting (gullible) individual.......Hmmmmm. 'Whishkey' in a TD4 fuel tank....I wonder...'Nodge', have you tried that??
wonder...'Nodge', have you tried that??
Tried elixir? No I'm not gullible enough. ;)
Or did you mean.
Liqui-Moly diesel purge
Not myself but I know a couple of people that went to lots of trouble too get into the fuel system. After treatment, the results were questionable as to weather they did what was claimed. So imo it's not worth wasting time or money that has no proven benifit. Over the years there have been many products that claim all sorts of wonderful things. But the reality is they are only being sold because there are people the believe the advertising.
Ha, thought so..Liqui Moly is German...not like them to lie about anything.....except emissions, 'Monkey gate', the ECB (whoops, getting a bit political) and well, take your pick on any other number of obscure and debatable facts of figures. I'm back home soon and have a small list of jobs to do and 'chomping at the bit' to get them done. There is an MOT in there too.......first one for 'our' TD4.....

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