
I'm in the process of trying to buy a used 1999 TD5 Defender. The vehicle is registered as a commercial vehicle. I hadn't given this much consideration until now. Are there any major pitfalls or benefits?

I'm seeing that insurance might be an issue. Would the commercial status make it difficult to sell on down the line?

Can they be converted from commercial use?

Also I'm a director of an LTD company. Is it possible to purchase the car through the books? I've read as an IT contractor it would probably be seen as a benefit in kind and there would be tax implications.
I thought unless they were station wagons with factory fitted rear windows and seats they were classed as commercial. Only really matters if travelling into London though I thought, mine's with Adrian Flux but the majority I would have thought are commercial
I've just read that post 2010 all are commercial vehicles. So it doesn't seem to be putting people off buying them. Because of it though I seem to be getting some silly insurance quotes

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