If you are happy to share your route that would be very kind. I have been looking at ferries from Genoa to Tangiers Med to save me the drive through France and Spain and it seems like a good option. I live in Slovakia so I would be going from there.
I am away this weekend. But will try and remember to send it over to you once I am back next week.
Our drive through France and Spain was 1500miles. We completed it in 36 hours by basically driving for three hours, stop, refuel, eat, and repeat until we arrived, had six hours sleep in northern Spain but basically drove nonstop. After the first couple of three hour legs everything stopped aching and you had got used to everything there was then no problems for the rest of the trip. The reason we did this (being young and fool hardy) is that it was a lot cheaper, and the same amount of travel time as getting the ferry either direct to ranger, or down to northern Spain to reduce driving.

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