
Well-Known Member
Guys and Gals,

I have had a search but can only find stuff about re-proofing or patching up canvas roofs but I was wondering would anyone know if you are able to dye canvas roofs?

I have an ex-mod canvas roof which is ancient but good, just a bit faded, I am going to re-proof it but wondered if there is anything i can do to improve the colour.

I dont want any canvas paint as it looks terrible imo.


yeah i have found the renovo stuff but they only do the kinds of colours you would find on a beemer. I want to re-dye mine the khaki green colour, maybe proofing it will dull down the faded bits a bit

I've sprayed a grey canvas black!! Used cellulose paint thinned to 50/50
Nice light coats and it soaked in lovely ! Only takes a couple of Coates !! It was an old canvas and just an experiment realy ,but it worked very well and is still in use after two years and still looks good !! I did give it a light spray with white spirit mixed 50/50 with linseed oil a few weeks ago to waterproof it!!
I'm trying an experiment in the next few weeks.
Ive bought some green oil paint, the sort you use for an oil painting, a small tube, i'm gonna mix it with wickes brick sealer and try it on a canvas tent I have.
Hi flat, did you have any joy with this thread?

Not so much, I used that fabsil waterproofing stuff and that darkened the tilt down somewhat but I haven't dyed it. I tried a test piece but that was only small from an old tilt and it was ok but I don't know how I can dye a whole tilt. D get it even to be honest! Hand dying would give an uneven finish and machine dye, well it won't fit in my washing machine!!
Not so much, I used that fabsil waterproofing stuff and that darkened the tilt down somewhat but I haven't dyed it. I tried a test piece but that was only small from an old tilt and it was ok but I don't know how I can dye a whole tilt. D get it even to be honest! Hand dying would give an uneven finish and machine dye, well it won't fit in my washing machine!!

give this place a try,they might do it or know who does.

I've sprayed a grey canvas black!! Used cellulose paint thinned to 50/50
Nice light coats and it soaked in lovely ! Only takes a couple of Coates !! It was an old canvas and just an experiment realy ,but it worked very well and is still in use after two years and still looks good !! I did give it a light spray with white spirit mixed 50/50 with linseed oil a few weeks ago to waterproof it!!
Hope you don't smoke in it !
Hi @flat

A bit of a thread revival, Did you find a good solution in the end?


Nah not really, I found a horse rug wash place down the road but they were hesistant to do the dying in case the buggered up my tilt or their machines. So I haven't died it. I did apply another lot of fabsil and the tilt is nice and waterproof. It's just faded as hell.....
Nah not really, I found a horse rug wash place down the road but they were hesistant to do the dying in case the buggered up my tilt or their machines. So I haven't died it. I did apply another lot of fabsil and the tilt is nice and waterproof. It's just faded as hell.....

Thanks for the response Flat, same here with mine...........will have to do some more research.
I did find this stuff after a quick look yesterday...

One thing I have found, strangely is that having used fabsil, it appeared to get a mould on the seams , which it did not do before the fabsill went on??

Thanks for the response Flat, same here with mine...........will have to do some more research.
I did find this stuff after a quick look yesterday...

One thing I have found, strangely is that having used fabsil, it appeared to get a mould on the seams , which it did not do before the fabsill went on??

I haven't had that happen - mine is garaged though maybe that makes a difference?

I also made a paraffin and beeswax 'Greenland wax' that I put on the cab roof which made a huge difference to waterproofness
I was going to dye a military canvas and got some dye to tidy it up. I didn't in the end as I bought a new one from Exmoor with side windows, but I was going to put the whole thing in a plastic 45 gallon drum with the dye mixed in with enough water to submerge it all. The only reason I didn't was that I wasn't sure if it would stain the clear back window.
I was going to dye a military canvas and got some dye to tidy it up. I didn't in the end as I bought a new one from Exmoor with side windows, but I was going to put the whole thing in a plastic 45 gallon drum with the dye mixed in with enough water to submerge it all. The only reason I didn't was that I wasn't sure if it would stain the clear back window.

I have been thinking about getting one with side windows due to the visibility but i stuff mine full of bushes and garden ****e on a regualr basis :(

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