
Active Member
I've had a can of plasti-kote satin black lying around which I bought ages ago for my P38 door handles, but started thinking about just spraying them java black instead.

Has anyone done this? I was planning to rub the stripe detail flat, then plastic primer, regular primer, colour and clear coat. Anything to look out for?
I've always assumed the colour coded covers would look like a bit of naff plastic stuck to the door handles using double-sided tape.... could be wrong though, anyone got experience of these?

Also, covers are overpriced imo
I've seen them on a few P38's & they look ok. When you add up the cost of paint, for another £30 you could save yourself alot of hassle with rubbing down, masking off etc. Having said that, i refurbed my wheels myself last month & spent a small fortune in primer / top coat & lacquer. But more satisfying than sending them off for refurbing.
I fitted a chrome set to my Blenheim Silver DSE a few weeks ago as the door handles were peeling from a previous owners attempt at colour coding. Fix in 5 minutes, perfect fit and they look good.

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