
New Member
Any of you peeps on here colour coded your freelander 1 black (or grey:)) bumpers???

theres a hippo i see alll the time around my local area, its 51 plate, a sort of dark metallic maroon/red, but its had all of its plastic trim colour coded.. Ive got to be honest, it looks the dogs bollocks.. Now, im no paint expert, but i was always under the impression that if you painted the bumpers on a hippo, that it would flake or peel off??

Any painshop experts out here who can advise?? Anyone out there also done this to the hippo they own??

Currently, to stop my trim going grey i spray it with wd40 once every other month.. it looms great and is cheap as chips, but if its easy to get my bumpers colour coded, i may go down that route?

If any of you guys have done this, let me know your results.
Any of you peeps on here colour coded your freelander 1 black (or grey:)) bumpers???

theres a hippo i see alll the time around my local area, its 51 plate, a sort of dark metallic maroon/red, but its had all of its plastic trim colour coded.. Ive got to be honest, it looks the dogs bollocks.. Now, im no paint expert, but i was always under the impression that if you painted the bumpers on a hippo, that it would flake or peel off??

Any painshop experts out here who can advise?? Anyone out there also done this to the hippo they own??

Currently, to stop my trim going grey i spray it with wd40 once every other month.. it looms great and is cheap as chips, but if its easy to get my bumpers colour coded, i may go down that route?

If any of you guys have done this, let me know your results.


To stop my black bumpers etc going grey i had tried everything , until i read on this forum about the use of.......linseed oil , cost me £3.60 from wilkinson hardware stores and its fantastic, keeps trim black and shiny for months just apply with a bit of sponge [ wash up sponge] and it needs only a very small amount job done!
It can be painted using the right paint, I did the lower bumper on a VW Golf which is a similar textured finish, you can either build up the paint to achieve a smooth surface or leave it textured.
I've thought about sourcing a spare trim set and doing it , I think the FL1 suits it.
They can be painted but it's not just point and spray.


Thanks guys,

Alan, tried the linseed oil, and it works a treat.. But it just leaves a sticky resedue on my bumpers afterward that my kids just seem to get on their clothes!! Think ill stick to the WD40 (which looks fab!)

Mantamad, did you have to do much prepwork to it? And what was the final finish like??

Dan, that silver hippo looks the absolute business.. Id be well happy to get my bumpers matched to the paint as well as that!!!

Like i say boys, im MORE than happy the WD40 gives me, especially since it l;asts 6-8 weeks, but was just wondering if somebody knew if a easy enough technique to get the trim colour coded, id go down that path.. cos i think the FL1 looks sharp as hell all colour coded.
Thanks guys,

Alan, tried the linseed oil, and it works a treat.. But it just leaves a sticky resedue on my bumpers afterward that my kids just seem to get on their clothes!! Think ill stick to the WD40 (which looks fab!)

Mantamad, did you have to do much prepwork to it? And what was the final finish like??

Dan, that silver hippo looks the absolute business.. Id be well happy to get my bumpers matched to the paint as well as that!!!

Like i say boys, im MORE than happy the WD40 gives me, especially since it l;asts 6-8 weeks, but was just wondering if somebody knew if a easy enough technique to get the trim colour coded, id go down that path.. cos i think the FL1 looks sharp as hell all colour coded.

Glad you treid the linseed , but i think you put too much on , mine does not leave a sticky residue at all but as i say one egg cup full will do the whole car 3 times .......and apparently boiled linseed is better as it dries quicker ?
off shopping for linseed oil back in a but :D

must say trim colour coded does look the dogs bits may be once i have done the jobes that need doing my save up and get it done
one thing i have always wanted to do is paint mine.
I use MER bumper claner from Halfords it will last for about six weeks very good.
How ever it can be very sticky I put it on and leave it for 24 hours the give it a good rub down.
if you are going to paint your bumpers you will have to get all the stuff you have put on them of go and see a paint shop they will advise these days they use twin pack it is the paint then a laqeuer this must be put on the paint within 20 minuets or it will peel within a short period but you need a good primer first
Have u seen the black dye u can get off ebay

will try and find the link for u

going to try it in the summer when it's a lot warmer
i have a barrel of black rubber paint which claims to adhere to any surface......wood metal glass concrete and any plastic.

i was thinking of trying this on an old bumper as i want to paint mine black before fitting a bodykit

will post here with the results of this experiment when done (probably one night this week

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