
New Member
My blue 90 seems to be developing quite a habit:(

When you drive off after its stood for a while the smoke at the exhaust pipe has a definate stratos blue tinge. Also it seems generally really smokey when its dark:confused:

Never noticed the smoke under acceleration in daylight but when its dark and in another cars head lights, the 90 is smoking like a habit of 40 a day.

I tried some additive which supposedly helps with the blue smoke and it sort of did for a while .

Do the 2.5 DT smoke bad anyway ? Or are there any known fixes I could try? (other then not looking in the mirrors to see the offending smoke!!;) )

Ta Sara
Hi Sara,
The 2.5turbo diesel engine as fitted in your Landie is n't the best of engines.
As a n/a diesel it's slow, but otherwise fine and understressed.
With the turbo, it's obviously quicker, but they are prone to burning oil, due to general wear. 100 k miles is about tops for these engines before a rebuild is needed. However you may find that providing the engine starts easily both from cold and when hot, has still got some power and theres a good oil pressure, you'll probably get away with a set of piston rings to cure your smoke problem.
Be sure it is definitely blue smoke and not black. Also does the oil need topping up regularily?
If you can only see it in headlights then its not that bad to be honest, the dark and the headlights are just accentuating the smoke, its like a rock concert; you don't see the haze until a bank of 1000W parcans blast through it...
id say replace the fuel oil and air filters and replace the oil.
it sounds like it could just be overfueling , does the smoke smell sour and sting your eyes?
when were the injectors replaced although this would cause white smoke (unburnt fuel) rather than black (too much fuel) or blue (oil).
start with the easy stuff first , the td is a very underated engine and really doesnt deserve to bad reputation it seems to have , especially if you have a later type. look after it and it will do exactly what its supposed to do.
The smoke other then the blue tinged stuff is more a beige/dusty/grey colour rather then a black. It does occassionaly puff pure black but that is under harsh acceleration and very rare.

If you stand behind the car while it idles then you dont see any smoke hardly but yes it does sting your eyes and smells very diesely.

The engine is a recon and was done about 40K miles ago its now on 172k. Im not sure about the service parts.I got it early in the year and havent touched the engine, it suposedly was serviced before I bought it tho :rolleyes:

Looking back thro the cars paperwork injectors is about the only thing not been changed, assuming they wouldnt be part of a recon engine?

Thanks for your replies chaps
How often should that engine be serviced?

Just worked out I have done 8750 miles in 7 and a bit months, maybe it is overdue some TLC.
Worth getting the injectors checked for spring pressure and spray pattern.

Where are you?

I have the machine to do it FREE for you.

Scotland (but the post man comes once in a while)

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