Hi to you all and a merry xmas
just got my car back yesterday from having a recon cylinder head fitted and this morning it turend over ages before it eventually fired up.
I did about 40 miles it it yesterday with no starting problems.
Also when i turned the ignition on this morning a funny noise was coming from under the back of the car and even when it started the noise carried on could this be the fuel pump i have only ever heard this noise before and it was very low on diesel and when i put some in it stopped but i have loads of diesel in just now. My own theory is that there might be a fuels leak somewhere and its drawing air in and the long persion of the strter turning the engine over this morning was while the fuel worked it way to the engine but as i am no mechanic i might be totally wrong so any help with this would be smahing chaps
thanks once again
sloshing noise from the rear is when the filter is empty, this happens when you change the filter. best way to fill it is to turn on the ignition, wait till the pump stops, then press the throttle 5 times, the pump will restart and fill correctly. then start the car
how much did the head work cost? thought the TD5 could'nt be machined, was told its new head only
Officially it can't be machined. But there are plenty of people on this forum who say it can. I was advised to avoid a recon head though as they are a bit prone to cracking (which is what happened to my old one).
was total £1000 plus vat fitted with 12 month Warranty and from landrover specialists spencer recons from bradford who are members of the engine remanurfacturing guild
What would cause filter to empty as it was running ok yesterday just when i went to it this morning it took ages to start but been ok all day again

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