
I have a 2007 Freelander 2 that struggles to start on these very cold mornings. There's no glow plug light so I assume there are no glow plugs - or am i missing something. It's perfectly Ok in the warmer weather (1 degree C) but not in very cold weather. Any ideas?

there is a delayed start whilst the glow plugs are operational and the light is only a warning lamp for when they fail.

if you see it come on summat is wrong with the system.
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When you have the key in, do you depress clutch and press the button?

If its cold enough then there should be a delay and a message saying "pre heat" or something similar appears when the glow plugs come on.

Try turning the ignition on without starting and then turn off and try again.

Also it is likely your glow plugs are knackered and need replacing - not uncommon unfortunately
I have a 2007 Freelander 2 that struggles to start on these very cold mornings. There's no glow plug light so I assume there are no glow plugs - or am i missing something. It's perfectly Ok in the warmer weather (1 degree C) but not in very cold weather. Any ideas?

petrol or diesel you did not say
cycle the button first time so will not start, second time press the clutch to get double heat session, i think you might find it makes a big difference.
Thanks for all your help. It's a diesel by the way. Never seen a message saying "pre heat" or anything like it but perhaps I'm a bit quick starting it. It's a push "key" in, depress clutch and push start button. Should I push "key" in and wait a few seconds before pushing the start button?
to confirm, press the start button for three seconds so all dash lights come on, without clutch depressed, this is true ign. on, you will then have to press button again and hold so ign. is off, depress clutch, press button for normal start. simples.
never had the preheat message, but have had the glow plug light come on for a second, but only in this cold snow.

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