According to the spec it has a maximum consumption rate of 0.3 litres/hour.

Mine only comes on for a few minutes until the engine gets up to temp.

If I use the timer it auto switches off after 30 minutes.

The timer is easy to fit and it's a boon.

In the winter I set it to come on 30 mins before I leave the house in the morning -so engine is warm, cabin is warm, windscreen cleared of frost - no more scraping.

I also have it set to come on 30 mins before I leave work for home.

So my total use on an average day will burn the 0.3 litre and cost me less than 50p

I think it's well worth it, but I like all my creature comforts now as I'm getting on a bit in years.
thanks for that singovel...interesting...0.3l/h is not much but once mine fires up it seems to run constantly! my mpg has dropped through the floor this week and the only thing different is its been cold enough for the fbh to fire up hence my thoughts on pulling the fuse! would love the auto timer, that would be so nice to come out to at 6am on a january morning after a 12 hour nightshift....

Something is possibly wrong with yours.

Without the timer it should shut down after no more than 5 minutes - when the temp gauge starts to move.

Its purpose is only to shorten the warm-up time - it most certainly should not run all the time.

If you are looking for a timer - the exact same timer was a popular option on the MG ZT and the Rover 75 models - loads of them in the scrappies now.

I've seen them on eBay too - made by Webasto.
i thought they ran til operating temp was reached? anyhows mine can still be running after a good 30 minute run so somethings not right!!
Just to clarify - when the fbh starts to shut down it keeps whirring and pumping away for a short time with the burner off.

It becomes completely silent near as dammit at the same time as the temp gauge needle hits vertical. That's about 5 mins after first start-up.

So we are in agreement I think, as that should be normal operating temp.

Without a fbh the oversized radiator would take much longer to heat up the 8.5 litres of coolant to 82 degrees C.
Mine is the same as marky's as it never turns off! went on a 2:30 drive and it was still going! needle was a vertical.

what fuse and where is it ...... to disable it?
Mine is the same as marky's as it never turns off! went on a 2:30 drive and it was still going! needle was a vertical.

what fuse and where is it ...... to disable it?

Pull fuse 5 in the engine compartment. That will disable it. Mine is definitely fuse 5, had it disabled all summer as it would always fire up regardless of temp. 2004 td4 hse.
chaps ive had the same problem with a loud wirring noise coming from the front of my wifes freelander hse and today smoke belowing out big time, just investigated and seems to be the thermo top never knew the car had it and have never used it is it safe to disconnect as since the wirring noise the heater has never got really hot, si i ask is it worth replacing and if so where do i get a timer or is this built into the car
We have the same problem on our 53 TD4, fuel burning heater seems to come on for every journey now, even when outside temperatire is >5 degrees and also seems to stop on regardless of how warm the engine gets :(

Any suggestions please?

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