Who uses an RR to go shopping, EAS or no EAS??? I use my 'Baby', for shopping.
lol. needs must sometimes, but the real laugh was the guy I bought my rangie from, who'd originally bought it cause he thought it would be good for pizza deliveries!!:eek::eek::eek:
My last comment on changing from EAS to fixed suspension. I brought the complete kit from Atlantic/British states side which included shocks and EAS override harness and had it fitted by the local RR dealer here. One of the major problems here for, getting older P38's, is, heat, the EAS rubber components deteriate much quicker here than in colder climates same as tyres. As I said before if I was back in the UK I might have a different view.

1998 HSE 4.6 :)

1990 Mustang GT :p

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