Thanks again for all the replies. I appreciate the points made but as i have said, i have really lost faith in the EAS system.

At what point do you stop throwing money ( a few grand already) at the problem and decide to take incisive action.

I really wanted some input from those who have fitted and used coils. Which make, ride difference etc.etc

Thanks once again.
To be honest and no insult intended. But if you have spent that much on the EAS and it is not as new, you are either a **** mechanic or whomsoever took your money off you is.
I test drove one on coils, thought it was bloody horrible, eas is much better, I agree with the others that it can be fixed by some one who knows what they are doing!
Thanks for that. I am definatly no mechanic!!!!:)

I know it may sound cruel but that is the way it is. The EAS is a pretty simple system. Ok the electrical part of it, other than make sure all connections are good, you can't do a lot with, other than change parts when they fail. They don't really fail all that often. But the mechanical side is very simple and easy to repair. It is the cause of most woes. The EAS unlock software is essential kit if you are going to play yourself, and is pretty cheap to get hold of. That along with a multimeter and a few basic tools is about all you need to keep the EAS tip top.
Well, in case anyone is interested and is thinking of doing the same thing, I have made the leap and changed to coils.................and what a difference it has made!!!!

I had Terra Firma coils, shocks etc fitted and it now feel like I have a RR that will truly go anywhere and do anything! It feels bullet proof! No worries about will or wont the EAs play up. Come out in the morning and there it sit,level and ready to go.

As for all the EAS evangelists, well all I can say is that I cant really tell any difference in the two set ups. It handles fine, feels great, doesn't have any extra roll etc.

My insurance company was not fussed and the MOT chap who i know personally said that all that guff about coils being an MOT failure is complete bollocks.

All in all, I should have done it years ago............better still, RR should have offered it as an option.

So if you are thinking of having it done then go for is what I say.
Well, in case anyone is interested and is thinking of doing the same thing, I have made the leap and changed to coils.................and what a difference it has made!!!!

I had Terra Firma coils, shocks etc fitted and it now feel like I have a RR that will truly go anywhere and do anything! It feels bullet proof! No worries about will or wont the EAs play up. Come out in the morning and there it sit,level and ready to go.

As for all the EAS evangelists, well all I can say is that I cant really tell any difference in the two set ups. It handles fine, feels great, doesn't have any extra roll etc.

My insurance company was not fussed and the MOT chap who i know personally said that all that guff about coils being an MOT failure is complete bollocks.

All in all, I should have done it years ago............better still, RR should have offered it as an option.

So if you are thinking of having it done then go for is what I say.

What your MOT bloke told you is true. AT THE MOMENT. Wait a while maybe next year, certainly in 2014 it may not be. It depends how retrospective they go with the new EU regulations.
Have a Classic that was originally on air. Converted when I got her. I replaced the springs that were on it with new one's from Paddocks that were listed as springs made specifically for the conversion (they do a kit for the P38 as well). A bit of a jittery hard ride on uneven tarmac but on the smooth stuff a very nice ride with far less body roll than EAS.

Would think a P38 on springs would sit a lot higher than a Classic so my poor old Mum would struggle to get in!!! So quite happy to keep the P38 on air for now.
Would think a P38 on springs would sit a lot higher than a Classic so my poor old Mum would struggle to get in!!! So quite happy to keep the P38 on air for now.

That's the reason I haven't told my wife about the "Access Button" - the mother-in-law can't get in when it's set on high. Strange it's always on high when she's after a lift anywhere ;)
That's the reason I haven't told my wife about the "Access Button" - the mother-in-law can't get in when it's set on high. Strange it's always on high when she's after a lift anywhere ;)

I think that's mean. Can't you get a low loading trailer off ebay or something?

Thanks again for all the replies. I appreciate the points made but as i have said, i have really lost faith in the EAS system.

At what point do you stop throwing money ( a few grand already) at the problem and decide to take incisive action.

I really wanted some input from those who have fitted and used coils. Which make, ride difference etc.etc

Thanks once again.

The EAS can be completely overhauled for around £600 including replacing dodgy height sensors and driver pack.
Mostly just airbags and a valve block/compressor overhaul is all that's needed, say around £350.:)

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