
Active Member
Hi Guys...finally had enough of the SLS on my Disco. Just spent 350quid on a new compressor and 2 mechanics later the car still sitting on the ground. Anyway...I think life would be simpler and more reliable with coils. Compressor going onto Ebay and going to cut my losses.

So...anyone got a view on what kind of rear coils to go for? I'm gonna start with a standard conversion kit and see how it rides. We frequently load up the family with gear plus 5 bikes hanging off the towbar so I'm waiting to see how the standard coils cope.

Anyone done a coil conversion and are standard springs up to much or will the nose point up as soon as you put any kind of weight in the back? What about ride comfort also.

britpart coil replacement kit is the best ive used da5136 comes with all you need easy to fit ,apart from you need diagnostics to switch it from air to coil mode , you could go more heavy duty if needed later
How many seats do you have?

IIRC, air was mandatory on 7 seaters. Could screw up the insurance if that was the case and you put coils on a 7 seater.
My last D2 was originally air then I had it converted to springs, the one I have now has springs from new. The springs aren't quite as good as air in that it's a little more choppy and obviously not as versatile, but really the difference is pretty small and things are fine in the bounce department with coils.

On the one I changed, I put normal springs on and that was fine. Five chunky adults in the car with no problem. Pulling a trailer with a quad bike on, no problem. If you use it for pulling a caravan of any size or a horse box, then that's the time to get heavy duty springs.

In my opinion the small difference with having coils is massively outweighed by the lack of car down time (in both senses) and a lack of those repair bills. You won't be sorry.
Hi I've bought britpart coil replacement kit da5136. Going to fit it this week so will let you know how it goes and any observations on any difference in handling /performance etc...
Make sure the car is very securely up on stands, please, don't want to hear about your hospital stay!

Best thing I did switching to coils. Balls to SLS.

Mind you I don't tow or have big loads in the back.
Coil conversion was done yesterday.

From what I see, there's no noticeable different versus air. The ride feels fine. Seen lots of posts where guys were saying that coils weren't as comfortable etc...but I can't feel any difference. Just wish I had done it as soon as the SLS started to act up. Spent 500euro servicing the SLS (new bags / compressor etc...) and it still didn't work. Coil conversion kit costs just 100 quid.

Big bonus now in peace of mind knowing that when I walk out in the morning, my Disco will be at the same height I left it.

One thing about coils though is that you need tailor what you buy to suit how you use the car. I don't tow, so just went with standard springs. It will be interesting to see how it performs when we're off on holds...2 adults, 4 kids, roof box loaded up, plus small trailer on the back with 6 bikes in it.

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