
New Member
so i finally got my 200tdi into my 88,
i was so happy, till i drove it,

slips out of high ratio gear box ? is there a quick fix ?

anybody want to buy it :) ?? part ex on a disco ?

is lever going forward fully ,there is a brass cap that holds detent spring on rhs top of t/box ,remove plate 4x bolt and check fork is adjusted and pinch bolt tight
right would you just detail that abit more as i will give that a go as soon as this peeing rain stops !
thanks in advance
so i finally got my 200tdi into my 88,
i was so happy, till i drove it,

slips out of high ratio gear box ? is there a quick fix ?

anybody want to buy it :) ?? part ex on a disco ?


What gears does it slip out of?

Some people drive them for years like that. I'm only planning on replacing mine when it jumps out of 1st and second. Because at that point it becomes a bit tricky to use off road if faced with a very steep slope.

You can have a look at the spring thing which is well documented on here and on other pages, but a gearbox rebuild maybe better in the long run. Budget £400 to £450 for a specialist to do it.
Was it jumping out before the 200 went in ? if not could something be preventing lever from going all the way forward?
Mine used to regularly jump out of high box at the most awkward places,
Turns out someone didn't put the drivers floor into place properly, and the lever wasn't going fully foward...

I would suggest checking this, as you will have had the floor etc up to do the engine change!
funny you should say about the floor change, i didnt touch mine or tyhe tunnel !
i guess it jumps out in all gears ?? i have seen people put bungee cords round em and stooff,

iv wedged some rad hose in for now, but waiting for my batterys to charge up, its shir at starting, reckon it could be bad earth ?

guess no one wants a 200 series then ....
by the way why would i spend 400 quid on a rebuild when i could buy another whole series 3 landrover for that ! thats F*CKING ridiculous
by the way why would i spend 400 quid on a rebuild when i could buy another whole series 3 landrover for that ! thats F*CKING ridiculous

Calm down.

Yes, go and buying another F*CKING series 3 as you politely put it, but you may find that Landy also has a fooked Gearbox. Its not an uncommon problem.

You could always re-build the gearbox your self. There are a few guides online and its in the manuals.
if its got the standard s3 box check they way the leaver is mounted on the gear box as if its fitted backwards it will jump out so swap it round and see if that helps ! i speak from experience of fitting it backwards ...
i've seen the high/low lever boot cause this due to it getting trapped between the tunnel and the lever and not allowing the lever to travel quite far enough forward

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