
New Member
Hi all can anyone please point me towards a site where i can actually purchase one o those 'Clutch-Claw' devices ?...i have seen them advertised on several sites, but for the life of me i cant find anywhere that actually states how much they are........or is it just me being thick ?
While im on ........has anyone got one and what do they think of them ?
Steve :)
Hi all can anyone please point me towards a site where i can actually purchase one o those 'Clutch-Claw' devices ?...i have seen them advertised on several sites, but for the life of me i cant find anywhere that actually states how much they are........or is it just me being thick ?
While im on ........has anyone got one and what do they think of them ?
Steve :)

You could checkout the link in my signature, for a good antitheft device what attaches to the pedals.
you could have put it in bold like the others when you just put it back in.....silly boy
Hi all can anyone please point me towards a site where i can actually purchase one o those 'Clutch-Claw' devices ?...i have seen them advertised on several sites, but for the life of me i cant find anywhere that actually states how much they are........or is it just me being thick ?
While im on ........has anyone got one and what do they think of them ?
Steve :)
There's one on Ebay in Mansfield at the mo!
hey buddy, just bought one. £89 from thats including vat and delivery. Great bit of kit!
:D Cheers Garth i'll raid my piggy bank tomorrow as i'm picking up my TD5 in the morning and when its on the drive thats where i want it to stay !
While i'm on has anyone tried fitting a Dab radio into a Landy yet ?...
And perfectly preserved too. It's like stepping into a time capsule. Completely unspoilt by progress.
where's Trevor Eve ? Yet another episode of waking the thread !

FFS this is over 3 years old since the last post !

and the screwfix link no longer works.

What do these mods do all day? Shouldn't they be trawling old posts and updating links in them?

(Incidently, clutch claws are a waste of money and don't offer you much protection)
(Incidently, clutch claws are a waste of money and don't offer you much protection)

Oh I don't know. If I was a little grubby 14 year old scag-snorting crud, then then a large lump of steel locked across the pedals of a target vehicle might (just might) slow me down quite a bit. If I was really high, it might even put me off altogether!

If, on the other hand, I was an Albanian mafia operative, it might not.

One thing's for sure though - a Defender without any security at all? You may as well leave all the doors wide open and the keys in the ignition with the engine running.

Everything is relative.

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