
New Member
Hi all
just replied to last post. Any one out there help. I have no gears at all, feels like in nutral all the time, so its stuck in the town and im stuck here. Jusat got a quote to take oh son to Granada airport fer 130e, so realy help me to fix asap.
many thanks
Give us some more info.
Sloppy gear lever? Does the clutch pedal feel any different. What noises.

Similar thing happened to me few years back after grounding out in snow. Think there should have been a clip around the roll pin on the selector linkage. The roll pin worked out and the gear lever just slopped around. Fortunately it didn't fall out completly and I managed to press it back and put a jubilee clip around it and got home.

More info and folks may be able to help!
Hi Chips
Thanks for the reply.
Got stuck in a ditch, managed to get out and carried on (not off road)After about a mile found it hard to change gear, then got stuck in nutral. Hope its the same as you had, but the leaver is not floppy and it feels like it is going in gear. Think it is the PG1 gear box like yours, as I seem to remember a old Talbot I had, had the same type of levers and link rod ball joints as the Getrag 282 gear box and when one fell apart the gearstick went floppy! Changed the hydraulics a few weeks ago, and that seems fine, although there doesnt seem as much resistance on the pedal, but when I got my OH to press the pedal the cylider and arm where working ok.Just can't work out why it seems to be going through the gears, feels like you have your foot on the clutch and going through the gears with the engine running.
Any thoughts?
Thanks Antonio
Why had you changed the hydraulics a few weeks ago? What were the symptoms then? Did it improve anything at the time?
I take it you didn't change it for the sake of it so maybe there is an unresolved underlying problem.
Who did the last gearbox oil change (if at all) and what oil was used. If the wrong oil is used then it can affect the metals (bronze).
Please clarify -
you can go through the gears with the engine running or switched off.
When you say you're stuck in neutral do you mean the lever won't select a gear or the car won't move.
What's your mileage. What type of use does your car get?
Could this be the clutch bearing has seized meaning the piston is moving but the clutch is not re-engaging after release.
I hope I'm helping you diagnose but maybe someone else on here could chip in!!!
Don't lose heart. Everything is fixable once you know what you're dealing with.
Changed the hydraulics due to losing pressure, especially when the weather is hot, which is often here. Had to pump the pedal to get any pressure. Fine after replacing it. I can go through gears with or without the engine running. As it went totaly near a garage we pushed it there, to avoid call out, and are now waiting for the news! It did 'smell' like the clutch has burnt out, but has the car has done 80,000 miles I don't supose this is too bad. Will let you know the results.
Thanks again for the help, no doubt I'll be back!!!
Please do post the outcome as anyone reading this maybe in the same situation so it's good to document the symptoms and resolutuion. Looking through similar threads noticed lots of useful hints suggestions but rarely a "this is what was wrong" "this is how I fixed it".
Let us know the type and age as there are different hydraulics I believe. For ex. My 1998 1.8 has a system that is one assembly and pre filled.
Just for interest I had a new clutch about 5 years ago in Corsica (just made it to a LR dealer!) after some heavy ski seasons in France as we used to go and explore a lot often ending in digging out of deep snow. Settled in Greece now (4 years) so ave mileage has dropped considerably. Now at 69k I'm fitting a new IRD and VCU :( .
If it's the clutch will you be doing it yourself?
Hope all goes well my friend.

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