so I think my clutch failed last outing but heres the thing.
I can get it into and out of all gears fine and the pedal feels no different.
if I put it in low box 1st and scream the pants of it I can move forwards and back at a snails pace..
and sometimes it wont move atall put it in high box and you cant drive or move it atall,once moving it will only move at snails pace whilst screaming the pants off it

so is my clutch fooked or should I be looking elsewhere?
Sounds to me like the clutch fork has gone, or the release bearing. Certainly it needs taking apart to see exactly what!

Unless someone's poured a load of oil into the flywheel housing ... maybe a wading plug missing and you've driven through some real nasty fluids .. if you also have a vent then that would allow a fair amount of liquid in fairly quickly.
That much clutch slip? completely burnt out the clutch plate by the sound of it, unless the slave cylinder or clutch fork has gone. Were you getting clutch slip before it failed? was there a nasty smell? You could try removing the slave cylinder and see if it still works - can you then stick something in the hole to see it the clutch fork moves? Does sound like a gearbox out job, though.
Sounds like burnt out plate. Dont think slave or release bearing as yhat would make it hard to get into gear not loose drive whilst in gear

Could possibly be a snapped shaft in the gearbox and the froction from it turning is enough to just make you move but rather unlikely

Either way gearbox out
Have you checked your half shafts and drive flanges? Put it in diff lock if it will drive then it isn't the clutch.
Its not the fork or bearing , if you cant get into gear without using clutch , or if it grates , it is either diaphragm spring gone , (no clamping force) or linings burnt out , or drive plate sheared centre seeing as how you have tried diff lock and all gears .
OK diff lock rules out halfshafts etc looks like you're in for a job. I replaced the clutch on my 110 a few months back after the centre of the plate disintegrated. Have you had any signs of clutch slip? Usually a worn out clutch plate will slip for a while before finally giving up. Another quick thing to look at take the pto cover off the transfer box and check the splines. Rule out all the easy to fix things before taking the gearbox out.

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