
New Member
Recently got my self a disco and after driving it the clutch peddle dropped to the floor. After talking to someone who works on cars he said it wont be the clutch but an arm that has collapsed.

When he came to look at it he said put it in gear and start it up. So I did and it started and moved off.he said it was the plate for sure but wile replaceing it I might as well do the clutch at the same time.

If anyone could advise me I would be so grateful.
its not disco 2 if n redg but disco 1 , tdi clutch release arm do wear through and cause pedal to drop but so does lack of fluid or air in system ,you can tell by removing slave and pushing rod back towards box if it goes inside or flush with bellhousing its an issue ,hold rod carefully so that its not pulled out of its location whilst removing slave it has a habit of wanting to come off with slave in stead of staying put
Thanks for that. Does anyone know any good mechanics in or around sheffield that I could get to do work or to service it

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