Michael Hunt

New Member
Just bought my old man's 90 off him, it's an 88 plate 90 with a 200tdi, LT77 box with LT230 transfer box.
When you depress the clutch pedal it stays down for 2-3 seconds for coming back up, it will happily go in to gear and drive and it seemed to take less time for the pedal to come back up when warm.
There are no visible oil leaks in the foot well or on the master cylinder and the reservoir is topped up.
A local mechanic fitted a new pivot fork and master and slave cylinder in January.

Any ideas???

Probably the adjustment is out, If master piston is not allowed to come fully back fluid will be slow going back to the reservoir , there has to be a tad of freeplay in the system.
Another problem can be breakdown of the rubber in the flexi pipe, bitts of then partially blocking transfer holes in the master. Black in the res can be a sign.

Thanks for your quick replies, going to check the hose this morning. Couldn't see any noticeable bits of black in the res last night.

Thanks for your quick replies, going to check the hose this morning. Couldn't see any noticeable bits of black in the res last night.

Hose can look fine yet still be duff, heard of it many times, but only ever seen it once with my own eyes, replaced hose problem fixed, cut old hose open hole was so small you could not even see it!
+1 on the hose being the issue - they delaminate. Cheap fix. :)

Alternatively, if you're feeling flush, you could convert it to auto - no more clutch problems, ever :D:D o_O

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