Sorted mine with some help from someone who was mechanically savi :) To get to the slave cylinder to bleed it I had to break the exhaust pipe from the down pipe and move the flange and everything out of the way, didnt have to take the whole thing off. I have a disco engine too, but I didn't take my slave off, just bled it so could need more room.

Sounds great with the exhaust out of the way though ;)
heh, mine didn't go so smoothly check out me thread on the general land rover chat section thoughtfully titles 'oh sh*t' :-|
Done mine today seems its been leaking for a long time , all the paint in the footwell behind the sound proofing has bubbled gona get that sorted ripped the foam off because it was sodding with fluid.

only hard part was makin a cuppa tea with dot4 over ya hands the stuff go's through me HATE DRY HANDS !

anyway back bled it after replacing to the master and bobs ya uncle fannys ya aunt


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