
Afternoon good people, had a problem with the clutch on my disco td5, after visiting family on the journey home the clutch pedal starting vibrating quiet badly and making a horrible crunching sounds whenever I released the pedal, there was also quiet a lot of heat coming up through the transmission tunnel, after about 70 miles the heat went away and all noises and vibration stopped and it is now all back to normal, any advice would be great thanks
well if it wasnt,,,,

driving 70 miles with it like that wont have helped..

so its probably really fuc*ed now....
Bugger!! for some strange reason I thought it might of been just a glitch and be ok now, strange how it's working ok now though don't you think
personally when clutches and dmf start making noises-it's time to fix
Doesn't look like a job I can do myself better make some calls tomorrow get some prices in before I tell the wife, I can already here the I TOLD YOU NOT TO BUY THAT THING

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