
Active Member
Ok chaps, So while we were putting my bulkhead on we managed to get everything out of the way and then some how managed to trap the clutch pipe and split the pipe.
Can anyone tell me what fittings and flairings I need to make up a new one and which flexi pipe is the correct one for a 1986 Ninety?

Thank you in advance folk!
I just bought a complete pipe and fitted it, as couldn't find the bits and it wasn't that expensive.
Have you got a local hydraulic hose place near you? I too the remains of mine to one they made one up in about 10 minutes and came to £10 odd.
Not sure tbh but it wasn't that much. I'll dig through the invoices tomorrow. It was probably lrdirect, possibly island.
I bought one not long back, sure it was only about £7. I will have a look for the part number on invoice later.
Careful what make you chose if going for a new flexi. My mate installed a new one on his rebuild and just months later had a big bulge in the pipe. Ony the black plastic sheath was keeping the fluid in! I am sure it was a blue box type. I would go for a goodridge type if i had the choice.
Go to Paddocks with the old one ! costs under a £5 but my 1994 was factory fitted with a series 3 one ? Figure that out.

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