
New Member
Well, sort of, when I stomp on the clutch it makes a godawful and highly embarassing HOOOONK noise like a goose being strangled by rusty springs that makes my passengers laugh at me :eek:

The noise seems to be coming from the pedal itself rather than anything else, but Im as a total loss as to whats causing the noise, it sounds like a rusty spring grating or something, I dont want to go squirting WD40 over random things in the footwell and not really sure what Im looking for. Any ideas? :confused:

Its a K series FL1.
Had a similar problem recently and it was the housing that holds the clevis pin had worn as it's made of plastic.it started with a squeak then progressed to a clunk which was the pin trying to pop out the pedal.get right underneath your pedal in the footwell with a torch and have a look its awkward to fit mind.if it's this I cable tied mine but it did get worse so changed the master as the clevis pin is not available separately.unfourtunatly the squeak came back so took it back they greased it then it went now it's slowly coming back.anyway check it out,hope this helps
Mine (110) squeaks like a squeaky thing on national squeaky day too, looking at stripping and greasing the pinion :) been like it for 11 months and no worse but am sure some grease will sort it
If it ever bloody stops raining and my driveway looks less like a river, Ill try and get at it. I dont really fancy trying to disassemble the footwell and pedals assembly though :eek:

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