
Active Member
Just been searching and can't really find an answer.
To start from the beginning a few weeks ago I notice the clutch pedal on my 300tdi had an inch or so of free play. In thinking the master or slave was on its way out. The clutch still worked fine and the biting point hadn't got lower. I changed them both today.
It bled fine,but the pedal still has this free play. It doesn't seem to be moving the push rod for the master,its like the pedal its self is lose.Anyone got any ideas or have I been a simpleton and its something obvious?
Mines the same off and on. Don't know what it is either

That's good to know I'm not alone,could it just be the pedal springs giving up?
It took me near enough 6 hours to do today,top slave bolt rounded. What a minge,had to call for back up in the end:)

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