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Had to wait near 3 hours for breakdown recovery after the lower part of the clutch master cylinder decided to snap off the gearbox for no reason. Odd thing is looks like it may have been bodged previously by the garage I bought it from since it has a hose clip around it?

Is this a common part to break off the engine or have I had a crap mechanic fit the new engine and clutch 11 months ago since if that the case he can buy the bloody thing back off me or fix it for free.
Common to snap off. Never heard of that on any other car I've had?
Beginning to wonder if I should of bought a Jap 4x4 now instead.
Blimy didn't realise it was as common fault. Thought all I had to look out for was over heating with the 1.8. Perhaps I wont read the garage the riot act on Monday when they open in that case.

Wonder why they attached it with a hose clip though?
I bought mine cheaply because of just that problem.
If you have a search you'll see it's fairly common although the snapped slave cylinder is a symptom of the clutch actuator arm seizing. It's about £50 for the new hydraulics and not at all hard to fit them, however, you need to ensure that arm is freed up or the new slave will pop too. I bought a couple of sets from the breakers for £10 ea. to save bursting a new one should I not have unseized the arm properly...
The Freelander has been dropped off at the closed garage so I'll have to phone them on Monday to see what they say.
Never heard of a master cyclinder snapping and getting pushed off on a car until now.
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If it's popped before they'll have cable tied/ hose clipped it back in place. Problem is that the slave cylinder still works, it's the collar that holds it in place that breaks. Tie it up and if the arm isn't too stiff it'll last for a while...
Ok so nothing too much to worry about then. Out of interest is the master cylinder a general Land Rover thing or just Freelander?
The Freelander has been dropped off at the closed garage so I'll have to phone them on Monday to see what they say.
Never heard of a master cyclinder snapping and getting pushed off on a car until now.

It's the slave cylinder that has snapped off. The master cylinder is mounted to the bulkhead.
It's a common problem for the PG1 gearbox in general. All that is needed is a drop or two of engine oil on the clutch release lever every time the engine oil is changed. If this simple procedure is done. The clutch bracket doesn't bend and the cylinder lasts longer.
You need to get the release lever to operate freely or the next cylinder will also fail. The cylinder bracket will also need changing.
No wonder other LR owners are not keen on them. ;)

Can't blame the car for bad maintenance ;)
Nothing wrong with the Freelander if it's looked after properly. Well except maybe the 1.8 head gasket failure thing, but even that is easier sorted if the correct maintenance is done.

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