
Hi Folks
I have a Discovery 2 and when i take of from a stop the clutch judders. Been trying to think of causes for this for the last while before doing anything about it. Has anyone out there had this problem. Its only when taking off and if i ride the clutch a bit it goes away. Could there be oil getting onto it. Some friends reckon if there is oil on it it would slip, some say oil can make it slip and catch slip and catch causing the judder. I have a Fergie tractor that done the same thing and it was crankshaft oil seal. Any ideas.

oil could make it judder anorl so could condensation on the clutch plate.

does it do it all the time or only when cold?
Thanks for quick replies
FREELANER do you mean cold weather or cold car.
It seems to go away after a bit of driving so would that rule out the clutch springs.
both, it could just be condensation on the plate.

mine does this a bit but the release arm is the culprit, i dunt think yours would suffer the same problem tbh
Other option is the dual mass flywheel is on its way out. Mine does the same thing but it hasn't got worse and I've got used to it.
Just had the same this morning - been through some deep stuff yesterday - can't see the pic of plug location - could you please re-post freelaner?
Other option is the dual mass flywheel is on its way out. Mine does the same thing but it hasn't got worse and I've got used to it.
If they have a DMF, (work of the devil:mad:) it could be that, my Transit was horrible when the DMF started breaking up, it shagged the starter motor too. Replaced it with a solid flywheel
D2s don't have a wading plug.


My V8 does it as well, I changed the clutch last tear, thinking it was a b*ggered centre plate, but it was great when it came out and span true, so still fitted the new one anyway.

Next to check is air in the slave cylinder or the slave cylinder piston getting ridges worn in the slave cylinder bore.

It was all new when we did the engine 62k miles ago.

I swear mine has done this since we drove it off the forecourt and assumed it was just another part of its character or my dodgy driving :rolleyes:
Check your engine and gearbox mountings. Worn or failed mountings will cause juddering when pulling away like you describe. This is especially likely if the vehicle has suffered oil leaks and the mounts have been coated in oil. Lots of crap from off roading will do them no favours either.
Mine are oil free and tight, checked them a few times now, and with hydraulic actuation there shouldn't be any mechanical movement imparted to the clutch from the engine moving.

Ahh sorry misunderstood didn't realise the judder could be felt through the pedal. I've had the same on a, cough, L200 and it was caused by a failed transfer box mount. Incidently they are also hydraulic clutches but the juddering could be felt through the seats and floor but not through the pedal.

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